Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Pressure Cooking

So, I’m in the market for a pressure cooker. The pressure cooker I remember was my mother’s. I believe it was yellow, kinda scary, and I only have one real memory of it that I seem to have blocked out because all I can remember is sitting at the counter and Mom yelling ‘Be careful!’ I wonder what happened to it...

Chefs of all kinds, professional and not so much, swear by pressure cookers these days.

The safety issue has kept me away from pressure cookers. I, with two little baboons running around underfoot, do not need something exploding and clinging to the ceiling! Actually, that’s a normal day in our household, so I guess the thing is - I don’t need to buy an expensive apparatus to add to the chaos. ;-)

However, I’m hearing lots a good things about the virtues of pressure cooking, namely – TIME. Something moms don’t have enough of on a good day.

Pressure cooking allows you to cook a meal in less time. For example I make a Pork Chop Stew in my slow cooker (very yummy, recipe will be tomorrow's post); between preparation, such as browning the meat, it takes about 30 minutes to just get it in the slow cooker. Then the slow cooker needs to be going all day, at least 7 hours. It is good, yes, and it totally frees up suppertime for other things like, oh I don’t know, relaxing with a cup of tea and colouring with the kids. But you have to be organized and on the ball and you need to know what you’re making for supper the night before if the pork chops reside in the freezer.

With a pressure cooker, you can decide 45 minutes before supper what you’re making, prepare it, cook it, serve it. No real organization required as far as I can see, except thawed meat. Not only that, but: less time spent cooking = less energy wasted = better for the environment. Look at me, I'm going green!

There are lots of days that I am organized, but there are still plenty of days that I just don’t have a brain cell left to think about supper and PB&J sandwiches with a banana on the side is served. (This will probably happen anyway, pressure cooker or no.)

So I’m going to research and buy one, use it and let you know…

Thanks for reading.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Spend Less, Read More

If you're like me the title makes you salivate!

I love to read and reading at discount is even better. That's why I LOVE the library! Everyone should have a library card...I'm just saying.

BUT if you absolutely must buy your books, try buying secondhand.

Thrift Books is my new version of heaven! They don't have everything, but they have a lot, some for as little as one cent. I kid you not.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Menu Planning and Organization

Busy mothers all around the globe get doubly stressed at dinner time (and other meal times) because its hard to know what to make...unless, that is, you have a plan.

That's where Menus4Moms.com comes in. It's a F*R*E*E* resource! Once a week you are emailed a five-day meal plan for your most rushed meal - supper. The weekly email even comes with its very own shopping list. Another plus is, the recipes and meals are not fancy-schmancy! They're straight and to the point, which on a weekday, whether you're a working mom or a stay-at-home-mom, is welcome.

The website is also loaded with helpful articles regarding organization and frugal living, as well as homeschooling AND there is a relatively active Discussion Board.

Check them out!

Thanks for reading!
PS: It has been a long time since I have posted anything on my blogs, and I do apologize!

Friday, March 16, 2007

The Secret

I just received, watched and read The Secret!

The basis is what you think is what you get. So stop thinking about bad stuff! Think about all the great amazing things you want. Don't think, 'Oh but how?' Think 'It's great to have all this!'

Think as though you already have whatever it is you want, and it will manifest itself.


I absolutely recommend The Secret, especially for those who are just beginning on this 'path'.

The movie is well put together, it's not all FX and movie stars, but it has some great points in it. The book is just a rehashing of the movie - but if you're like me, you like ALL mediums!

I also recommend Think and Grow Rich ', which is along the same principle of asking, believing and receiving.You can either buy your very own copy from Amazon or you can download it here for F*R*E*E!

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

International Women's Day

Today, Thursday, March 8th, 2007 is International Women's Day. So to all the lady-lous out there - Happy YOU Day!
Daylight Saving Time in Alberta

Did you know that Alberta is Springing Ahead on March 11th and Falling Back a week later this year?

I had no idea! I didn't believe Troy when he told me. ;-)

I needed proof: http://www.justice.gov.ab.ca/law/default.aspx?id=4318.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Do You Need A Hug?

I always need hugs. I hug the people I love and care about as much as I can! Hugs just make you feel better. Why? Who knows. But imagine trying to BAN hugging? Why?

A hug brightens someones day. So go ahead...hug someone today! :-)

Thanks for reading.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Spring Cleaning

Ahhh, spring! The just perfect warm weather, the budding trees, the sprouting bulbs, the birds chirping, the thawing ground just begging to be turned...and spring cleaning. Blah! What a way to ruin a perfect picture.

Spring cleaning in my house starts at the beginning of March. That being said, it wasn't done last year because I was pregnant with Gavin and I really could have cared less. (I'm not a happy pregnant woman. ;-D)

Spring cleaning is a big job at the best of times, but this year, for me, its even bigger. Oh well, better get started.

I like to tackle little sections every week. For example, this week is the kitchen area - the pantry, the cupboards, under the oven and fridge, the dreaded junk drawer, etc. And next week it'll be another section, perhaps the mud room or the laundry room.

By tackling little sections at a time I find it more manageable and a bit more enjoyable (as enjoyable as cleaning can be). I feel a sense of accomplishment instead of feeling completely bogged down by the sheer size of the chore ahead.

It works for me - it may or may not for you. Try it and see, and let me know your tips for spring cleaning too! Just click comments at the bottom of this post.

Another thing that works for me is hiring someone to do it! ;-)

Thanks for reading!